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aid aide definition attorney dictionary
. knowledge and have each page load with the definition . received pro bono assistance from legal aid attorneys.
legal aid n. Legal assistance provided, as by a specially established organization, for those unable to afford an attorney. legal aid n (Law) a means-tested benefit .
The legal definition of Defense Attorney or Defence Counsel is Lawyers . Dictionary Search . paid by the state such as a "legal aid lawyer .
legal aid definition: nounThe free or inexpensive services of an attorney, provided to individuals, typically criminal defendants, who are not otherwise able to .
Practicing Attorney: PA: Project Analyst: PA: Patients Association (UK) PA: Penny Arcade (comic . dollars, which could be raised through private investments, or through public aid .
Synonyms for aide at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and . Dutch uncle, aide, attorney, authority, backseat driver, buttinski, clubhouse lawyer, .
You can also purchase Nolo's Plain-English Law Dictionary . legal aid; legal cause; legal custody; legal duty; legal . limited power of attorney; limiting instructions; lineal .
According to "Black's Law Dictionary," legal . What Is the Definition of Financial Aid? aid aide definition attorney dictionary Financial aid is a catch . A legal aid attorney provides professional legal .
aid and abet v. help commit a crime. . n. the attorney who has appeared in court and/or signed . The People's Law Dictionary by Gerald and Kathleen Hill
Legal assistance provided, as by a specially established organization, for those unable to afford an attorney.
Abonnez-vous � Oxford Unabridged dictionary pour avoir . Ou bien testez-vous avec la d�finition cach�e! . received pro bono assistance from legal aid attorneys.
Find Attorneys www.yellowpages.com Need a Lawyer? Search our . legal definition Loosely used to mean "in accordance with . conflict of laws right arrest legal aid society legalese .
. legal terms by browsing Nolo's Plain-English Law Dictionary. . aid and abet; aleatory; alias; alibi; alibi witness; alien . attorney; attorney at law (or attorney-at-law) attorney
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